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On the local host (where Kubitect command-line tool is installed), the following requirements must be met:


Python >= 3.8

Python virtualenv

Password-less SSH key for each remote host

On hosts where a Kubernetes cluster will be deployed using Kubitect, the following requirements must be met:

A libvirt virtualization API

A running hypervisor that is supported by libvirt (e.g. KVM)

How to install KVM?

To install the KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) hypervisor and libvirt, use apt or yum to install the following packages:

  • qemu-kvm
  • libvirt-clients
  • libvirt-daemon
  • libvirt-daemon-system

After the installation, add your user to the kvm group in order to access the kvm device:

sudo usermod -aG kvm $USER