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Kubernetes configuration🔗︎

The Kubernetes section of the configuration file contains properties that are specific to Kubernetes, such as the Kubernetes version and network plugin.


Kubernetes manager🔗︎

v3.4.0 Default: kubespray

Specify manager that is used for deploying Kubernetes cluster. Supported values are kubespray and k3s.

  manager: k3s


Support for K3s manager has been added recently, therefore, it may not be fully stable.

Kubernetes version🔗︎

v3.0.0 Default: v1.28.6

By default, the Kubernetes cluster will be deployed using version v1.28.6, but you can specify a different version if necessary.

  version: v1.28.6

The supported Kubernetes versions include v1.26, v1.27, and v1.28.

Kubernetes network plugin🔗︎

v2.0.0 Default: calico

The calico network plugin is deployed by default in a Kubernetes cluster. However, there are multiple supported network plugins available to choose from:

  • calico
  • cilium
  • flannel
  • kube-router
  networkPlugin: flannel

The following table shows the compatibility matrix of supported network plugins and Kubernetes versions:

Kubernetes Version Operating system Calico Cilium Flannel KubeRouter
1.26 Ubuntu
1.26 Debian
1.26 CentOS
1.26 RockyLinux
1.27 Ubuntu
1.27 Debian
1.27 CentOS
1.27 RockyLinux
1.28 Ubuntu
1.28 Debian
1.28 CentOS
1.28 RockyLinux


K3s manager currently supports only flannel network plugin.

Kubernetes DNS mode🔗︎

v2.0.0 Default: coredns

Currently, the only DNS mode supported by Kubitect is coredns. Therefore, it is safe to omit this property.

  dnsMode: coredns

Merge kubeconfig🔗︎

v3.4.0 Default: false

Kubitect offers an option to merge the resulting Kubeconfig file with the config on path ~/.kube/config. This means that whenever a new cluster is created, it can be selected by context which equals the cluster name.

    mergeKubeconfig: true

Auto renew control plane certificates🔗︎

v2.2.0 Default: false

Control plane certificates are renewed every time the cluster is upgraded, and their validity period is one year. However, in rare cases, clusters that are not upgraded frequently may experience issues. To address this, you can enable the automatic renewal of control plane certificates on the first Monday of each month by setting the autoRenewCertificates property to true.

    autoRenewCertificates: true