This document contains an example of Kubitect configuration. Example covers all (or most) of the Kubitect properties. This example is meant for users that learn the fastest from an example configuration.

# In the 'kubitect' section, you can specify the target git project and version.
# This can be handy if you want to use a specific project version or refer to 
# your forked/cloned project.
# [!] Note that this will be ignored if you use the '--local' flag with the CLI 
#     tool actions, as you should already be in the Git repository.
  url: "" # (1)!
  version: "v2.1.0"

# The 'hosts' section contains data about the physical servers on which the 
# Kubernetes cluster will be installed.
# For each host, a name and connection type must be specified. Only one host can 
# have the connection type set to 'local' or 'localhost'.
# If the host is a remote machine, the path to the SSH key file must be specified.
# Note that connections to remote hosts support only passwordless certificates.
# The host can also be marked as default, i.e. if no specific host is specified 
# for an instance (in the cluster.nodes section), it will be installed on a 
# default host. If none of the hosts are marked as default, the first host in the 
# list is used as the default host.
  - name: localhost # (3)!
    default: true # (4)!
      type: local # (5)!
  - name: remote-server-1
      type: remote
      user: myuser # (6)!
      ip: # (7)!
        port: 1234  # (8)!
        verify: true # (9)!
        keyfile: "~/.ssh/id_rsa_server1" # (10)!
  - name: remote-server-2
      type: remote
      user: myuser
        keyfile: "~/.ssh/id_rsa_server2"
    mainResourcePoolPath: "/var/lib/libvirt/pools/" # (11)!
    dataResourcePools: # (12)!
      - name: data-pool # (13)!
        path: "/mnt/data/pool" # (14)!
      - name: backup-pool
        path: "/mnt/backup/pool"

# The 'cluster' section of the configuration contains general data about the
# cluster, the nodes that are part of the cluster, and the cluster's network.
  name: my-k8s-cluster # (15)!
    mode: bridge # (16)!
    cidr: # (17)!
    gateway: # (18)!
    bridge: br0 # (19)!
    user: k8s
      privateKeyPath: "~/.ssh/id_rsa_test"
      addToKnownHosts: true
      distro: ubuntu
      networkInterface: ens3 # (20)!
    dns: # (21)!
    updateOnBoot: true
      vip: # (22)!
      virtualRouterId: 13 # (23)!
        - name: http
          port: 80
        - name: https
          port: 443
          target: all
        - name: sample
          port: 60000
          targetPort: 35000
      default: # (24)!
        ram: 4 # GiB
        cpu: 1 # vCPU
        mainDiskSize: 16 # GiB
        - id: 1
          ip: # (25)!
          mac: "52:54:00:00:00:40" # (26)!
          ram: 8 # (27)!
          cpu: 8 # (28)!
          host: remote-server-1 # (29)!
        - id: 2
          mac: "52:54:00:00:00:41"
          host: remote-server-2
        - id: 3
          mac: "52:54:00:00:00:42"
          # If host is not specifed, VM will be installed on the default host.
          # If default host is not specified, VM will be installed on the first
          # host in the list.
        ram: 8
        cpu: 2
        mainDiskSize: 256
          # IMPORTANT: There should be odd number of master nodes.
        - id: 1 # Node with generated MAC address, IP retrieved as an DHCP lease and default RAM and CPU.
          host: remote-server-1
        - id: 2
          host: remote-server-2
        - id: 3
          host: localhost
        ram: 16
        cpu: 4
        labels: # (30)!
         - custom-label: "This is a custom default node label"
         - # (31)!
        - id: 1
          cpu: 8
          ram: 64
          host: remote-server-1
        - id: 2
          dataDisks: # (32)!
            - name: rook-disk # (33)!
              pool: data-pool # (34)!
              size: 128 # GiB
            - name: test-disk
              pool: data-pool
              size: 128
        - id: 3
          ram: 64
            - custom-label: "Overwrite default node label" # (35)!
            - instance-label: "Node label, only for this instance"
        - id: 4
          host: remote-server-2
        - id: 5

# The 'kubernetes' section specifies which version of Kubernetes and
# Kubespray to use and which network plugin and DNS server to install.
  version: v1.23.7
  networkPlugin: calico
  dnsMode: coredns
    url: ""
    version: v2.19.0
    copyKubeconfig: false

# The 'addons' section contains the configuration of the applications that
# will be installed on the Kubernetes cluster as part of the cluster setup.
    # Sample Nginx ingress controller deployment
    ingress_nginx_enabled: true
    ingress_nginx_namespace: "ingress-nginx"
    ingress_nginx_insecure_port: 80
    ingress_nginx_secure_port: 443
    # Sample MetalLB deployment
    metallb_enabled: true
    metallb_speaker_enabled: true
      - ""
    metallb_pool_name: "default"
    metallb_auto_assign: true
    metallb_version: v0.12.1
    metallb_protocol: "layer2"
  1. This allows you to set a custom URL that targets clone/fork of Kubitect project.

  2. Kubitect version.

  3. Custom host name. It is used to link instances to the specific host.

  4. Makes the host a default host. This means that if no host is specified for the node instance, the instance will be linked to the default host.

  5. Connection type can be either local or remote.

    If it is set to remote, at least the following fields must be set:

    • user
    • ip
    • ssh.keyfile
  6. Remote host user that is used to connect to the remote hypervisor. This user must be added in the libvirt group.

  7. IP address of the remote host.

  8. Overrides default SSH port (22).

  9. If true, SSH host is verified. This means that the host must be present in the known SSH hosts.

  10. Path to the passwordless SSH key used to connect to the remote host.

  11. The path to the main resource pool defines where the virtual machine disk images are stored. These disks contain the virtual machine operating system, and therefore it is recommended to install them on SSD disks.

  12. List of other data resource pools where virtual disks can be created.

  13. Custom data resource pool name. Must be unique among all data resource pools on a specific host.

  14. Path where data resource pool is created. All data disks linked to that resource pool will be created under this path.

  15. Cluster name used as a prefix for the various components.

  16. Network mode. Possible values are

    • bridge mode uses predefined bridge interface. This mode is mandatory for deployments across multiple hosts.
    • nat mode creates virtual network with IP range defined in network.cidr
    • route
  17. Network CIDR represents the network IP together with the network mask. In nat mode, CIDR is used for the new network. In bridge mode, CIDR represents the current local area network (LAN).

  18. The network gateway IP address. If omitted the first client IP from network CIDR is used as a gateway.

  19. Bridge represents the bridge interface on the hosts. This field is mandatory if the network mode is set to bridge. If the network mode is set to nat, this field can be omitted.

  20. Set custom DNS list for all nodes. If omitted, network gateway is also used as a DNS.

  21. Specify the network interface used by the virtual machine. In general, this option can be omitted.

    If omitted, a network interface from distro preset (/terraform/defaults.yaml) is used.

  22. Virtual (floating) IP shared between load balancers.

  23. Virtual router ID that is set in Keepalived configuration when virtual IP is used. By default it is set to 51. If multiple clusters are created it must be ensured that it is unique for each cluster.

  24. Default values apply for all virtual machines (VMs) of the same type.

  25. Static IP address of the virtual machine. If omitted DHCP lease is requested.

  26. Static MAC address. If omitted MAC address is generated.

  27. Overrides default RAM value for this node.

  28. Overrides default CPU value for this node.

  29. Name of the host where instance should be created. If omitted the default host is used.

  30. Default worker node labels.

  31. Label sets worker nodes role to node.

  32. Overrides default data disks for this node.

  33. Custom data disk name. It must be unique among all data disks for a specific instance.

  34. Resource pool name that must be defined on the host on which the instance will be deployed.

  35. Node labels defined for specific instances take precedence over default labels with the same key, so this label overrides the default label.