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Local development

This document shows how to build a CLI tool manually and how to use the project without creating any files outside the project's directory.


  • Go 1.18 or greater installed
  • Git client installed

Step 1: Clone the project🔗︎

First, you have to clone the project.

git clone

Afterwards, move into the cloned project.

cd kubitect

Step 2: Install Kubitect CLI tool🔗︎

Kubitect CLI tool is implemented in Go using cobra library. The tool can either be installed from already built versions available on GitHub or you can build it manually.

To manually build the CLI tool, first change to the cli directory.

cd cli

Now, using build the tool using go.

go build .

This will create a cli binary file, which can be moved into /usr/local/bin/ directory to use it globaly.

sudo mv cli /usr/bin/local/kubitect

Step 3: Local development🔗︎

By default, Kubitect creates and manages clusters located in the Kubitect home directory (~/.kubitect).

Although this approach is very useful for everyday use, it can be inconvenient if you are actively making changes to the project, as each change must be committed to the Git repository.

For this very reason, the Kubitect CLI tool has the --local option, which replaces the project's home directory with the path of the current directory. This way, the source code from the current directory is used to create a cluster and all cluster-related files are created in the current directory. This option can be used with most actions, such as apply or destroy.

kubitect apply --local