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Cluster nodes

Nodes configuration structure🔗︎

Cluster's nodes configuration consists of three node types:

  • Master nodes (control plane)
  • Worker nodes
  • Load balancers

For any cluster deployment, at least one master node needs to be configured. Configuring only one master node produces a single-node cluster. In most cases, a multi-node cluster is desired and therefore worker nodes should be configured as well.

If the control plane of the cluster contains multiple nodes, at least one load balancer must be configured. Such topology allows the cluster to continue operating normally if any control plane node fails. In addition, configuring multiple load balancers provides failover in case the primary load balancer fails.

Kubitect currently supports only stacked control plane, which means that etcd key-value stores are deployed on control plane nodes. Since an etcd cluster requires a majority "(n/2) + 1" of nodes to agree to a change in the cluster, an odd number of nodes (1, 3, 5, ...) provides the best fault tolerance. For example, in control planes with 3 nodes, 2 nodes represent the majority, giving a fault tolerance of 1 node. In control planes with 4 nodes, the majority is 3 nodes, which provides the same fault tolerance. For this reason, Kubitect prevents deployment of the cluster whose control plane contains an even number of nodes.

The nodes configuration structure is the following:


Each node type has two subsections, default and instances. Instances represent an array of actual nodes, while defaults provide the configuration that is applied to all instances of a certain node type. Each default value can also be overwritten by setting the same property for a specific instance.



Common node properties🔗︎

For each instance there is a set of predefined properties that can be set. Some properties apply for all node types, while some properties are specific for a certain node type. Properties that apply for all node types, are refered to as common properties.

Instance ID🔗︎

v2.0.0 Required

Each instance in the cluster must have a ID, which can be any positive number and must be unique among all instances within the same node type. The instance ID is used as a suffix for the name of each node.

        - id: 1
        - id: 2
        - id: 77


v2.0.0 Default: 2 vCPU

The cpu property defines an amount of vCPU cores assigned to the virtual machine. It can be set for a specific instance or as a default value for all instances.

        cpu: 2
        - id: 1 # (1)!
        - id: 2
          cpu: 4 # (2)!
  1. Since the cpu property is not set for this instance, the default value is used (2).

  2. This instance has the cpu property set, and therefore the set value (4) overrides the default value (2).

If the property is not set at the instance level or as a default value, Kubitect uses its own default value (2 vCPU).

        - id: 1 # (1)!
  1. Since the 'cpu' property is not set at instance level or as a default value, Kubitect sets the value of the 'cpu' property to 2 vCPU.


v2.0.0 Default: 4 GiB

The ram property defines an amount of RAM assigned to the virtual machine (in GiB). It can be set for a specific instance or as a default value for all instances.

        ram: 8
        - id: 1 # (1)!
        - id: 2
          ram: 16 # (2)!
  1. Since the ram property is not set for this instance, the default value is used (8 GiB).

  2. This instance has the ram property set, and therefore the set value (16 GiB) overrides the default value (8 GiB).

If the property is not set at the instance level or as a default value, Kubitect uses its own default value (4 GiB).

        - id: 1 # (1)!
  1. Since the ram property is not set at instance level or as a default value, Kubitect sets the value of the ram property to 4 GiB.

Main disk size🔗︎

v2.0.0 Default: 32 GiB

The mainDiskSize property defines an amount of space assigned to the virtual machine (in GiB). It can be set for a specific instance or as a default value for all instances.

        mainDiskSize: 128
        - id: 1 # (1)!
        - id: 2
          mainDiskSize: 256 # (2)!
  1. Since the mainDiskSize property is not set for this instance, the default value is used (128 GiB).

  2. This instance has the mainDiskSize property set, so therefore the set value (256 GiB) overrides the default value (128 GiB).

If the property is not set at the instance level or as a default value, Kubitect uses its own default value (32 GiB).

        - id: 1 # (1)!
  1. Since the mainDiskSize property is not set at instance level or as a default value, Kubitect sets the value of the mainDiskSize property to 32 GiB.

IP address🔗︎


For each node a static IP address can be set. f no IP address is set for a particular node, a DHCP lease is requested. Kubitect also checks whether all set IP addresses are within the defined network range (see Network CIDR).

    mode: nat
        - id: 1
          ip: # (1)!
        - id: 2 # (2)!
  1. A static IP ( is set for this instance.

  2. Since no IP address is defined for this instance, a DHCP lease is requested.

MAC address🔗︎


By default, MAC addresses are generated for each virtual machine created, but a custom MAC address can also be set.

        - id: 1
          mac: "52:54:00:00:13:10" # (1)!
        - id: 2 # (2)!
  1. A custom MAC address (52:54:00:00:13:10) is set for this instance.

  2. Since no MAC address is defined for this instance, the MAC address is generated during cluster creation.

Host affinity🔗︎


By default, all instances are deployed on the default host. Kubitect can be instructed to deploy the instance on a specific host by specifying the name of the host in the instance configuration.

  - name: host1
  - name: host2
    default: true

        - id: 1
          host: host1 # (1)!
        - id: 2 # (2)!
  1. The instance is deployed on host1.

  2. Since no host is specified, the instance is deployed on the default host (host2).

Control plane and worker node properties🔗︎

The following properties can be configured only for control plane or worker nodes.

Data disks🔗︎


By default only a main disk (volume) is attached to every instance, so additional disks may be required. For example, a Rook can be easily configured to use all empty disks attached to the virtual machine to form a storage cluster.

Each data disk must have a name, a size (in GiB), and the name of the data resource pool in which it is created. Note that the data disk name must be unique among all data disks for a given instance.

        - id: 1
            - name: rook-volume
              pool: rook-pool
              size: 512


Default data disks are currently not supported.

Node labels🔗︎


Node labels are configured as a dictionary of key-value pairs. They are used to label actual Kubernetes nodes, and therefore can only be applied to control plane (master) and worker nodes.

They can be set for a specific instance or as a default value for all instances. Labels set for a specific instance are merged with the default labels. However, labels set at the instance level take precedence over default labels.

    <node-type>: # (1)!
          label-key-1: def-label-value-1
          label-key-2: def-label-value-2
        - id: 1
          labels: # (2)!
            label-key-3: instance-label-value-3
        - id: 2
          labels: # (3)!
            label-key-1: new-label-value-1
  1. Node labels can only be applied to control plane (master) and worker nodes.

  2. Labels defined at the instance level are merged with default labels. As a result, the following labels are applied to this instance:

    • label-key-1: def-label-value-1
    • label-key-2: def-label-value-2
    • label-key-3: instance-label-value-3
  3. Labels defined at the instance level take precedence over default labels. As a result, the following labels are applied to this instance:

    • label-key-1: new-label-value-1
    • label-key-2: def-label-value-2

Load balancer properties🔗︎

The following properties can be configured only for load balancers.

Virtual IP address (VIP)🔗︎


Load balancers distribute traffic directed to the control plane across all master nodes. Nevertheless, a load balancer can fail and make the control plane unreachable. To avoid such a situation, multiple load balancers can be configured. They work on the failover principle, i.e. one of them is primary and actively serves incoming traffic, while others are secondary and take over the primary position only if the primary load balancer fails. If one of the secondary load balancers becomes primary, it should still be reachable via the same IP. This IP is usually referred to as a virtual or floating IP (VIP).

VIP must be specified if multiple load balancers are configured. It must also be an unused host IP address within the configured network.


Virtual router ID🔗︎

v2.1.0 Default: 51

When a cluster is created with a virtual IP (VIP) set, Kubitect configures the virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP), which provides failover for load balancers. A virtual router ID (VRID) identifies the group of VRRP routers. Each group has its own ID. Since there can be only one master in each group, two groups cannot have the same ID.

The virtual router ID can be any number between 0 and 255. By default, Kubitect sets the virtual router ID to 51. If you set up multiple clusters that use VIP, you must ensure that the virtual router ID is different for each cluster.

      virtualRouterId: 30 # (1)!
  1. If the virtual IP (VIP) is not set, the virtual router ID is ignored.


v2.1.0 Default: 10

Each load balancer has a priority that is used to select a primary load balancer. The one with the highest priority becomes the primary and all others become secondary. If the primary load balancer fails, the next one with the highest priority takes over. If two load balancers have the same priority, the one with the higher sum of IP address digits is selected.

The priority can be any number between 0 and 255. The default priority is 10.

        - id: 1 # (1)!
        - id: 2 
          priority: 200 # (2)!
  1. Since the load balancer priority for this instance is not specified, it is set to 10.

  2. Since this load balancer instance has the highest priority (200 > 10), it becomes the primary load balancer.

Port forwarding🔗︎


By default, all configured load balancers distribute incoming traffic on port 6443 across all control plane nodes. Kubitect allows additional user-defined ports to be configured.

The following properties can be configured for each port:

  • name - Name is a unique port identifier.
  • port - Incoming port is a port on which the load balancer listens for incoming traffic.
  • targetPort - Target port is a port where traffic is forwarded by the load balancer.
  • target - Target is a group of nodes to which traffic is forwarded. Possible targets are:
    • masters - control plane nodes
    • workers - worker nodes
    • all - control plane and worker nodes.

A unique name and a unique incoming port must be configured for each port. The configuration of target and target port is optional. If target port is not configured, it is set to the same value as the incoming port. If target is not configured, incoming traffic is distributed across worker nodes by default.

        - name: https
          port: 443 # (1)!
          targetPort: 31200 # (2)!
          target: all # (3)!
  1. Incoming port is the port on which a load balancer listens for incoming traffic. It can be any number between 1 and 65353, excluding ports 6443 (Kubernetes API server) and 22 (SSH).

  2. Target port is the port on which the traffic is forwarded. By default, it is set to the same value as the incoming port.

  3. Target represents a group of nodes to which incoming traffic is forwarded. Possible values are:

    • masters
    • workers
    • all

    If the target is not configured, it defaults to the workers.

Example usage🔗︎

Set a role to all worker nodes🔗︎

By default worker nodes have no roles (<none>). For example, to set node role to all worker nodes in the cluster, set default label with key

 # (1)!
  1. If the label value is omitted, null is set as the label value.

Node roles can be seen by listing cluster nodes with kubectl.

NAME                         STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
local-k8s-cluster-master-1   Ready    control-plane,master   19m   v1.22.6
local-k8s-cluster-worker-1   Ready    node                   19m   v1.22.6
local-k8s-cluster-worker-2   Ready    node                   19m   v1.22.6

Load balance HTTP requests🔗︎

Kubitect allows users to define custom port forwarding on load balancers. For example, to distribute HTTP and HTTPS requests across all worker nodes, at least one load balancer has to be specified and port forwarding must be configured, as shown in the sample configuration below.

        - name: http
          port: 80
        - name: https
          port: 443
          target: all # (1)!
        - id: 1
  1. When the target is set to all, load balancers distribute traffic across all nodes (master and worker nodes).